Matter-Antimatter ऋग्वेद (ṛgveda)

शयुः परस्तादध नु दविमाताबन्धनश्चरति वत्स एकः |
śayuḥ parastādadha nu dvimātābandhanaścarati vatsa ekaḥ |

“Two female twins manifest in various forms. Out of them, one is white and other is black. The black and white females are sisters. This is one of the great deeds of gods.”

The Vedas describe matter and anti-matter as twins. This is indeed a perfect description, as particle and its anti-particle are born me same womb (energy). Sometimes these twins are described as both sisters and sometimes as one brother and other sister. As these descriptions are not of human beings, these analogies are valid. The Vedas describe matter as white and anti-matter as black. Universe consists of matter and anti-matter. A verse from the ऋग्वेद (ṛgveda) describes this.

स सुष्टुभा स सतुभा सप्त विप्रैः सवरेणाद्रिं सवर्यो नवग्वैः |

sa suṣṭubhā sa stubhā sapta vipraiḥ svareṇādriṃ svaryo navaghvaiḥ |

“Those born together were divided in two forms.”

Opposite forms can have two meanings, matter and antimatter, or positive and negative electric charge. A positively charged particle attracts a negatively charged particle. Following verse describes this phenomenon:

दवे वीरूपे चरतः सवर्थे अन्यान्या वत्समुप धापयेते |

dve vīrūpe carataḥ svarthe anyānyā vatsamupa dhāpayete |
Our universe is matter dominated. If matter and anti-matter are created together in same amount, then we should find equal amount of anti-matter. Why is it that we don’t find much evidence of anti-matter as far as we can observe. Are remote parts of the universe anti-matter dominated? Did matter and anti-matter somehow get segregated in different corners of the universe. Scientists do not think so. Scientists believe that when universe was very young, for some reason a small excess of matter over anti-matter was generated. As matter and anti-matter annihilated each other, this small excess remained, and that small excess is our universe. The Vedas take a different view. According to the Vedas matter and energy are constantly being created at the surface of the universe, and there is an imbalance in their creation. Matter and anti-matter continually annihilate each-other and the small excess of matter has accumulated over the age of the universe. Following verses describe the annihilation of anti-matter.
जग्मिर्युवा नर्षदनमवोभिस्त्राता न इन्द्र एनसो महश्चित ||
jaghmiryuvā nṛṣadanamavobhistrātā na indra enaso mahaścit ||

Indra is considered responsible for killing of black people in the ऋग्वेद (ṛgveda). As matter and anti-matter are attracted towards each other due to opposite nature of electric charge resulting in annihilation, electric force is indeed responsible for this phenomenon.

यमस्य मा यम्यं काम आगन समाने योनौ सहशेय्याय |
yamasya mā yamyaṃ kāma āghan samāne yonau sahaśeyyāya |
जायेव पत्ये तन्वं रिरिच्यां वि चिद वर्हेव रथ्येव चक्रा ||
jāyeva patye tanvaṃ riricyāṃ vi cid vṛheva rathyeva cakrā ||
न तिष्ठन्ति न नि मिषन्त्येते देवानां सपश इह येचरन्ति |
na tiṣṭhanti na ni miṣantyete devānāṃ spaśa iha yecaranti |
अन्येन मदाहनो याहि तुयं तेन वि वर्ह रथ्येवचक्रा ||
anyena madāhano yāhi tuyaṃ tena vi vṛha rathyevacakrā ||
रात्रीभिरस्मा अहभिर्दशस्येत सूर्यस्य चक्षुर्मुहुरुन्मिमीयात |
rātrībhirasmā ahabhirdaśasyet sūryasya cakṣurmuhurunmimīyāt |
दिवा पर्थिव्या मिथुना सबन्धू यमीर्यमस्यबिभ्र्यादजामि ||
divā pṛthivyā mithunā sabandhū yamīryamasyabibhṛyādajāmi ||

Yama means twin, and here one of the twins is called Yama and other his sister Yami. This dialogue, which is cited as prohibiting the union of siblings, is not about the illegitimate relationship at all. This is a dialogue between a particle and its anti-particle. If they join together, they will change into radiation and material universe will not evolve. The Vedas are written from the viewpoint of an existing universe, and sages celebrate the important physical processes leading to the present state of the universe. The stress here is that the material universe has evolved due to one particle combining with another particle to generate a third particle and so on. This is why Yami is told to join with someone else, not her own anti-particle. In the Vedas Varuna is often called Asura. Varuna has earlier been identified as electron. Spies of Varuna are often mentioned in the Vedas, and “Nobody can deceive the spies of Varuna.”

बळ इत्था देव निष्क्र्तम आदित्या यजतम बर्हत |
वरुण मित्रार्यमन वर्षिष्ठं कषत्रम आशाथे ||
आ यद योनिं हिरण्ययं वरुण मित्र सदथः |
धर्तारा चर्षणीनां यन्तं सुम्नं रिशादसा ||
विश्वे हि विश्ववेदसो वरुणो मित्रो अर्यमा |
वरता पदेव सश्चिरे पान्ति मर्त्यं रिषः ||
ते हि सत्या रतस्प्र्श रतावानो जने-जने |
सुनीथासः सुदानवो ऽंहोश चिद उरुचक्रयः ||
को नु वाम मित्रास्तुतो वरुणो वा तनूनाम |
तत सु वाम एषते मतिर अत्रिभ्य एषते मतिः ||
baḷ itthā deva niṣkṛtam ādityā yajatam bṛhat |
varuṇa mitrāryaman varṣiṣṭhaṃ kṣatram āśāthe ||
ā yad yoniṃ hiraṇyayaṃ varuṇa mitra sadathaḥ |
dhartārā carṣaṇīnāṃ yantaṃ sumnaṃ riśādasā ||
viśve hi viśvavedaso varuṇo mitro aryamā |
vratā padeva saścire pānti martyaṃ riṣaḥ ||
te hi satyā ṛtaspṛśa ṛtāvāno jane-jane |
sunīthāsaḥ sudānavo ‘ṃhoś cid urucakrayaḥ ||
ko nu vām mitrāstuto varuṇo vā tanūnām |
tat su vām eṣate matir atribhya eṣate matiḥ ||